
nolita house tree

Houston and Mulberry
Saturday, June 27 at 12:30pm

We started out early, cultivating tree pits and cleaning out the rubbish. Cigarette butts and such. We ended up at the tree in front of Nolita House. They have bluegrass brunch on Saturdays. I think the tree is into it. They are on the second floor. a giant window faces the tree. Anyway, this particular tree pit has a terrible drainage problem (see below) which we thought was due to compacted soil. But it wasn't. We think the recent construction of a new sidewalk may have something to do with it. --scroll down please

We added some mulch (which we carried from really far away) and then had some awesome bloody marys at the bluegrass brunch.

Isn't this better?
I got the "aerate and you'll
feel great" makeover

Big ups to people
who look out for me and care
While I clean your air


get involved

MillionTreesNYC regularly holds workshops on caring for street trees. Meet your local Manhattan forester! Get free gardening tools! Connect with fellow tree lovers! Help a tree and a tree will help thee.
Caring for Street Trees workshop
Wednesday, July 8, 6-8pm
The Arsenal, 830 Fifth Avenue
inside Central Park at 64th Street

little laundromat tree

351 East 82nd Street
Thursday, June 25 at 5:59pm
People like to hang 
out here and smoke cigarettes
I keep things shady

Take a closer look at this tree: 

Ouch!  When this tree was planted it was swaddled in plastic, secured with a band. But no one remembered to cut the band off. The tree grew. The band did not. Slowly it strangled the tree - preventing nutrients from flowing between the roots and the leaves. 

When the band was cut off the pressure was great. I think that I heard a sigh of relief. The pit was then cleaned and fresh soil laid. A prayer was then made: "Look after a tree and your air it will clean"


82nd street aeration project

East 82nd Street bet. 1st & 2nd
Thursday, June 25, 6-7pm

It started with rescuing a little tree being strangled by a nasty plastic band (see above). It turned into cleaning up and cultivating seven other tree pits on the block. Compacted soil prevents trees from receiving a sufficient amount of water. So drink it up 82nd street trees! And thanks for cleaning our air.


liz christy redwood

Metasequoia (Dawn Redwood)
Houston bet. Bowery & Christie
Wednesday, June  17 at 5:01pm

I am naturally 
pyramidy and Chinese
A real show-stopper

for more info please visit: lizchristygarden.org


bonsai finds its niche

1595 2nd Avenue (82nd/83rd Sts)
Thursday, June 18 at 6:23pm

You weren't expecting
to see me hanging out here?
Come, pull up a chair


keith haring tree

NW Corner of Houston and Bowery
Wednesday, June 17 at 5:02pm

Hey, did you notice 
right there next to me? Barack!
It kind of tickles

Martha Cinader Mims said...

Houston and Bowery
familiar to me
the smell, the sights, the tree
both real and a memory.

Breathe easy,
wishing you Peace and Poetry


soho sapling

Houston Street, West of Broadway
Tuesday, June 16 4:45pm

This quote was in my tea today:

"There is nothing that keeps its youth, 
so far as I know, but a tree and truth."
–– Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.


london terrace tree

23rd Street and 9th Avenue
Sunday, June 14 at 1:35pm

It's alright with me
I'm living off your a/c
and the view is great


seminary tree

West 20th Street from High Line
Sunday, June 14 at 1:15pm

Look there at that one
standing proud and tall and free
Hi there, hel-lo-oh!


running in trees

West Drive at 83rd Street
Thursday, June 11 at 7:10pm 

the lushness, the green
misty sheen enveloping
the hush of this spring

birdsong, then patter, stampede
cowbells and some cheers

excitement. the teams
convene and replay the scene
see you tomorrow

Kasey said...

The splashes of green
Pleasing to the eye and mind
We love your tree blog

-G, M & K